The Support, Guidance and Training you need to Launch your Coaching Business - all for a low monthly cost!

Dive into the art of setting meaningful goals and creating actionable plans for success. Learn how our coaches can help you with every step of your business launch, from choosing a niche, creating and program and all the tech you need. We also help you set realistic, achievable objectives that align with your values. Discover the power of community, accountability and the transformative impact of taking intentional steps toward your dreams.

The Support, Guidance and Training you need to Launch your Coaching Business - all for a low monthly cost!

Dive into the art of setting meaningful goals and creating actionable plans for success. Learn how our coaches can help you with every step of your business launch, from choosing a niche, creating and program and all the tech you need. We also help you set realistic, achievable objectives that align with your values. Discover the power of community, accountability and the transformative impact of taking intentional steps toward your dreams.

Our Approach

Our coaching approach is rooted in empathy, trust, and a deep understanding of human potential. We believe that everyone has unique strengths and talents waiting to be unleashed. Whether you're seeking help with tech, your niche, your program, accountability, or just a fabulous tribe to be part of, we're here to help you achieve your goals.


Choosing your Niche

Choosing a niche is like navigating a maze, isn't it?

We've been there ourselves, lost in the tangle of options. But it's more than just picking a specialty; it's about digging deep to find what truly drives you.

In this whirlwind of decisions, confusion can cloud our judgment. But we get it; we've felt that fog too. Yet, amidst the chaos, there's a chance to align your passions, strengths, and know-how with what people actually want.

Your niche isn't just a label; it's a reflection of who you are and what you bring to the table. When you find that sweet spot where your skills meet your clients' needs, magic happens.

In coaching, where the goal is to inspire and empower, this alignment is crucial. It's about more than just selling a service; it's about being a force for change.

So, choosing a niche isn't just about business; it's about honouring your journey and using it to help others. When you find that sweet spot, you're not just running a business; you're making a difference.

Creating your Program

Designing a transformative coaching program that resonates with both your clients and yourself can indeed feel like a daunting task, particularly for those new to the coaching profession.

The process can be overwhelming, akin to attempting to navigate uncharted waters without a compass. We understand the challenges inherent in this endeavour, having traversed similar terrain ourselves.

Constructing an effective program extends beyond mere compilation of content; it demands a nuanced understanding of your client's needs and desires and your own passions and expertise to ensure genuine enthusiasm in its delivery.

Crafting such a program is like sculpting a masterpiece. It involves understanding the needs and aspirations of your clients, then infusing your unique insights and energy into the framework.

After all, your program must not only address the pressing concerns of your clients but also ignite your own professional zeal.

Our role is to guide you through this intricate process, facilitating the creation of a program that strikes a harmonious balance between client demand and your professional fulfillment. It's about achieving that delicate equilibrium where client satisfaction and personal enthusiasm intersect.

When this synergy is attained, the result is more than just a program; it's a catalyst for profound transformation and enduring success in the coaching realm.

Templates & Resources

Let's delve into the importance of having access to proven templates and resources that can smooth out your business setup, communication, and client management processes.

Imagine if you had a treasure trove of tried-and-tested tools at your disposal, like templates and resources that have already been proven to work like a charm.

See, the thing is, when you're starting out, every minute counts. You don't want to be reinventing the wheel or getting bogged down in administrative tasks. That's where these templates and resources come in handy.

They're like your trusty sidekick, helping you navigate the maze of business setup, communication, and client management with ease.

Think about it - with the right templates, you can streamline your processes, saving precious time and energy. Whether it's drafting contracts, crafting compelling marketing materials, or managing client appointments, having these resources at your fingertips can make all the difference.

But it's not just about efficiency; it's also about professionalism. When you use proven templates and resources, you're signalling to your clients that you mean business. It shows that you've put thought and care into every aspect of your operation, from your branding to your client interactions.

And let's not forget about consistency. By using templates and resources that have already been tested and refined, you can ensure that every touchpoint with your clients is polished and consistent. That's crucial for building trust and credibility in the competitive world of coaching.

So, having access to these tools isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a game-changer. It can mean the difference between struggling to get your business off the ground and hitting the ground running.

So, do yourself a favour and arm yourself with the right templates and resources. Your business - and your sanity - will thank you for it.

Website & Funnel Creation

Let's have a chat about the importance of developing a professional, user-friendly website and sales funnel that can turn casual visitors into paying clients.

You've got your coaching business up and running, ready to make a splash in the industry. Now, imagine if you had a website that not only looked the part but also guided potential clients seamlessly through the journey from visitor to paying customer.

You see, your website is like your digital storefront. It's often the first impression people have of your business, so you want it to be top-notch. But it's not just about looking pretty; it's about functionality too. Your website needs to be easy to navigate, with clear calls to action that prompt visitors to take the next step.

And that's where the sales funnel comes in. Think of it as a guided tour of your business, leading visitors on a journey from curiosity to commitment. It starts with grabbing their attention, perhaps with a compelling blog post or a free resource. Then, it gently nudges them towards making a purchase, whether that's booking a consultation or signing up for your services.

But here's the thing: building a website and sales funnel that do all this isn't easy. It takes time, effort, and know-how. That's why it's crucial to get it right from the get-go. Because when done properly, your website and sales funnel can be powerful tools for growing your business.

They can help you attract more clients, increase your revenue, and establish your credibility in the industry. They're like your secret weapon, working behind the scenes to convert visitors into loyal customers.

So, if you're serious about taking your coaching business to the next level, investing in a professional, user-friendly website and sales funnel is a no-brainer. It's not just about looking good online; it's about turning those clicks into cash and building a thriving business that stands the test of time.

Utilise Social Media

Ah, the digital landscape, ever-evolving and increasingly intertwined with our professional endeavours.

In the realm of business, mastering the art of utilising social media platforms can feel overwhelming – it requires finesse, strategy, and a keen understanding of its nuances.

Social media isn't merely a tool for self-promotion or advertising; it's a virtual market bustling with conversations, connections, and opportunities.

Engaging with it effectively isn't just about amassing followers or likes, but about fostering meaningful relationships and cultivating a genuine online presence.

Your ability to attract clients and increase visibility hinges not solely on the frequency of your posts or the cleverness of your captions, but on the authenticity and value you bring to the digital table.

Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a robust social media presence. It takes time, patience, and a willingness to adapt and evolve with the ever-changing digital currents. But the rewards are manifold: a loyal client base, a network of collaborators and peers, and perhaps most importantly, a sense of belonging in the digital realm.

So, as you embark on your journey to harness the power of social media, remember this: it's not just about increasing visibility or attracting clients; it's about building bridges, forging connections, and leaving a lasting impression in the vast expanse of the digital universe.

Joint Venture Partnerships

Building relationships through joint ventures (JVs) and networking is like making friends in business. It's important because it helps you grow your business by teaming up with others who have similar goals.

When you work together with other businesses, you can combine your strengths and resources to achieve more than you could on your own. This can lead to new ideas and opportunities that you might not have discovered otherwise.

Connecting with other people in your industry also helps you build trust and credibility. This is important because customers are more likely to buy from businesses they trust.

Overall, using JVs and networking is not just about getting more customers and growing your business. It's about working together with others to achieve success and make the journey more enjoyable and rewarding.

Weekly Coaching Calls

Participating in live calls for personalized feedback, guidance, and support from experienced coaches is like having a reliable compass on your journey towards growth and success.

These sessions offer more than just knowledge – they provide invaluable wisdom that can steer you through the complexities of life and career.

Imagine you're navigating through a dense forest. While you may have a map and some basic tools, having a seasoned guide by your side can make all the difference. Coaches bring a wealth of experience and insight that can illuminate your path, helping you avoid pitfalls and make informed decisions.

In these live calls, you're not just receiving generic advice; you're engaging with someone who understands your unique circumstances. They can tailor their guidance to suit your specific needs and challenges, offering a level of support that's personalized and impactful.

Moreover, these interactions foster a sense of accountability. Knowing that you have someone to report back to can motivate you to stay on track and strive for excellence. It's like having a supportive cheerleader cheering you on from the side lines, encouraging you to reach your full potential.

Ultimately, joining live calls for personalized feedback, guidance, and support isn't just about acquiring information – it's about tapping into a wellspring of wisdom that can enrich your journey and empower you to overcome obstacles with confidence. So, embrace these opportunities, and let the wisdom of experienced coaches light your way forward.


Ah, the essence of coaching—cultivating a mindset that’s not just ready to win, but hungry for it.

Picture yourself on a journey, not just towards a goal, but through the twists and turns of personal growth. It's about believing in yourself when others may doubt, about seeing opportunities where others see obstacles.

To excel in coaching, you need to dig deep and pluck out those pesky limiting beliefs that hold you back. They’re like weeds in the garden of your mind—pull them out, and watch your potential bloom. Because let’s face it, a coach with self-doubt is like a ship without a compass; you may drift, but you won’t reach your destination.

Now, confidence, that’s the secret sauce. It’s not just about puffing out your chest and strutting your stuff (although a bit of swagger never hurt anyone). It’s about knowing your worth, trusting your instincts, and having the courage to take risks.

Confidence is what turns a good coach into a great one—it’s the spark that ignites the fire within you and inspires those around you.

So, my friend, cultivate that winning mindset, banish those limiting beliefs, and let your confidence shine like a beacon in the night. Because when you do, there’s no limit to what you can achieve as a coach.

Grow Your Business

Expanding your client base, increasing your income, and evolving your coaching services over time are crucial aspects of being a successful professional coach. They play vital roles in both the growth of your business and your personal development.

Firstly, expanding your client base is about more than just numbers; it's about reaching a wider range of individuals who can benefit from your expertise.

Diversifying your clientele allows you to encounter different perspectives and challenges, enriching your experience as a coach. It also helps ensure the sustainability of your practice by making it more resilient to changes in the market.

Secondly, increasing your income is important for several reasons. Not only does it enable you to invest back into your business and further your professional development, but it also reflects the value you provide to your clients.

A healthy income stream allows you to lead a more comfortable life and, in turn, better support your clients.

Lastly, evolving your coaching services is essential in a constantly changing industry. By staying up-to-date with new methodologies and technologies, you can better meet the evolving needs of your clients and maintain your competitiveness.

Adapting your approach based on feedback and personal growth ensures that you remain a trusted and sought-after coach.

In summary, expanding your client base, increasing your income, and evolving your coaching services are integral components of a successful coaching practice. They not only contribute to the growth of your business but also enable you to make a meaningful impact in the lives of your clients.

Learn from the Best

Continuous learning is an essential ingredient in the recipe for success, especially for those steering the ship as coaches and business owners.

Picture it like this: just as a ship needs a steady stream of wind to sail smoothly, your mind needs a constant flow of new knowledge and ideas to navigate the ever-changing waters of business.

Think of our live sessions as ports of call along your journey. Here, you'll find workshops and guest speakers ready to share their wisdom and insights.

These sessions aren't just about ticking boxes or filling up your schedule. They're opportunities to broaden your horizons, challenge your perspectives, and discover fresh approaches to old problems.

In the fast-paced world of business, standing still is like moving backward. What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow.

By staying curious and open-minded, you're not just keeping up with the pack; you're leading it.

You're adapting, evolving, and staying ahead of the curve.

And here's the beauty of it: we're not just offering one-off experiences.

We're building a learning library—a treasure trove of knowledge that you can dip into whenever you need a boost.

Whether you're grappling with a new challenge or simply seeking inspiration, these resources are here to support you on your journey.

So, come aboard and join us on this voyage of discovery. Together, we'll explore a wide range of topics to help you and your business grow.

Who knows what wonders await us over the horizon? The only way to find out is to keep learning, keep growing, and keep moving forward.